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Beacon Pines Game Review

Beacon Pines, a creepy and charming adventure, which occurs within a crime book , is referred to as. You play as both the reader of the book and the book’s main protagonist, Luka.
Something strange is happening at the old warehouse and Luka as well as his companions seem to be the only ones to take note. Get out of the house late, meet new friends, find out the hidden truths, and collect words that will change the fate of the world!
In the course of helping Luka investigate the strange goings-on within Beacon Pines, you’ll collect specific golden charms with a word engraved on them. Charms like these can be used to mark certain points of turning within the plot for filling in the blank word that will drastically alter everything that follows.
As the story’s protagonist You’ll follow the story’s key moments with The Chronicle: an interactive story tree that branches and grows along the choices you make. By exploring one sequence of events, you could unlock new charms that you can use on another branch. This allows you to go back and forth between entirely different versions of the story in order to unravel the mysteries within Beacon Pines.

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